The Mainely Simple Difference


A blend of coconut + soy wax to give a clean burn. Most traditional candles use paraffin wax which releases harmful carcinogens into the air that can negatively affect your health and the quality of your home air.


The benefits of the pink salt mined from the Himalayan caves are believed to be plentiful. When heated the salt creates negative ions which can cleanse allergens and airborne particles in your air.


Many cotton wicks can leave a sooty residue behind and are treated with paraffin to help them burn easier. Wood wicks are more sustainable than cotton and are untreated. You will notice a longer lifespan and relaxing crackling ambience that you don’t get from cotton wicks.


Essential oils come directly from plants but most candles are scented with fragrance oils which are developed and made in labs. There are synthetic fragrance oils (most commonly used) and natural fragrance oils on the market. Most natural fragrance oils use plant properties and omit a lot of the toxins that come from synthetic fragrance oils. However, we choose to use pure essential oils for the therapeutic benefits and peace of mind knowing we have used the simplest of ingredients. Please note that the scent throw from essential oils will not be as strong as traditional candles.

“Do you find yourself desiring to live more simply? I know I do, in all aspects of my life, hence my quest to get back to the basics. Our world seems to have become so over complicated in all aspects. Not only in the products we consume, but that’s a good place for us to start. I have big dreams for all of us to be able to live a more simple life where there’s more time and energy to focus on the joys. Since I’m already creating these simple goods, let me share them with you! I’ve got you covered on non toxic goods that are still luxurious and effective, while being aesthetically pleasing - all important factors in a calming lifestyle.”

— Jessica Briggs, Creator